Ministries >

Women of the NALC

Please take a moment to review all the ministries available at St. John Lutheran Church, Hubbells Corner, Sunman, IN.

The Women's Group provides numerous ministries within the larger congregation. The Women's Group oversees the Altar Committee, the Visiting Committee, does much of the preparation for St. John's annual fundraising meals, plans and leads the annual Thankoffering worship service, sews and knots quits for Lutheran World Relief, helps in providing meals for funerals, and provides treats for the homebound and senior members of St. John at Christmas. The Women's Group also participates in the annual Southeast Indiana Conference 'Spring Cluster' gathering.


The Women's Group meets monthly; every 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m.


The officers for the Women's Group:

President: Bobbie Robinson

Vice-President: available

Secretary: Janet Cash

Treasurer: Shirley Oehlman

Special Events Coordinators: Barb Hornberger


All women are welcome and invited to participate in the Women's Group!